Monday, February 9, 2015

All day at a horse show!

I spent the day at Molly's Costa Rica Equestrian Vacation facility. She put on a great little horse show! She does this annually. The attendees were local competitive barns that have their own small equestrian team. The young riders love this show. teams came from all over. I worked with one parent early on with the timing of the classes, he was an architect from the area. The sky was thinly covered with cloud, and no breeze. If the clouds had not been there it would have been tough.
Molly was organized! I wanted to step up where I could, so I stayed close to her. When she began to ask for help.. things I could do I delightfully jumped in. Little tiny girls on big cute. Mike and I, at the end, were running the timers on the last few jumping classes. The last class was called the " Gamblers Ride" they put a numerical value on each jump. The girls had 10 minutes to plan the best way to take the jumps, to rack up the points! You could not just circle a jump and do it over and over. At the end of a timed one minute..their score was added and they had the chance to add an extra 100 points, or if they fail, remove 100 from their score. This was accomplished by taking the  "Joker" jump. This jump was a single jump, with a very precarious bar going across,  one little tiny touch, and it would come down. Also a refusal by the horse to take the jump would cost you 100 points. Many points were gained and lost at that jump.

Little girl...verry good!

Surf board jump set low for little riders

Butterfly jump so cute!

Covered seating for Spectators.

 Some of the stalls at the facility.

They were all winners!

1 comment:

lynnesimich said...

I love reading the hasn't been easy figuring out how to comment!!!! goggle account....sent message to myself.....etc. but know I'm in!!!! send pics....cant wait for more. keep writing!!!! miss you