Thursday, February 5, 2015

A bike ride that wasn't fun!

Yesterday in Tamarindo we rented some bikes, and it was not a great experience. It was 3 o'clock in the afternoon,  the sun was in that horrible position in the sky. No matter which way I turned,  I felt like it was always in my eyes! I'm a wimp I didn't like it. Along with that sun in my eyes, the temperature was still 85 and not much wind and!!! a lot of traffic in the downtown Tamarindo area. (Duh) From time to time there was an ever so slight incline in the road and I wanted to cry.
So I began to realize I have an issue with getting my heart rate up down here in this tropical hot environment so I went to our pool, that is part of our condominium complex. Donned a big hat, my Bluetooth ear phones, cell phone set up with a audio book, T-shirt, sun glasses ... I don't need anymore sunrays, and I walked briskly in the water back-and-forth listening to my book for a half an hour.  That worked. Tomorrow is a horse ride at 8 AM in Playa Negra Mike's going to wait for me and after we're going to the hotel Playa Negra and take our second "Yolaties" class. That is a combination of yoga and Pilates! Rosalia is our instructor, and for her tiny perfect little physique... I knew we were in trouble!  She says that we would do an introductory stretching Yoga /Pilates experience. I can't walk the same now! Rosalia is definitely into making all the attaching ligature inside our bodies stretch and become more flexible! Ouch!

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