Tuesday, June 23, 2015


Okay, we went for it! The paranormal tour at 9:00 pm in the underground... Really the tour guides so far!!.... Had been so fun!  We thought that it would be a Hooot! Kailee and Jordan were on board! Mike well that would be a "BiG NO" I think he jinxed it! The big hook on this tour... was the paraphernalia!. We had a vest, a electromagnetic device that would pick up an electric field of energy. Sure enough this young kid (cute) on the tour, had a high reading (105). We had (1.75). It came in on his devise when we were in the area of the underground known for prostitution. Hummm!   Now another device we all had was a pair of headphones (you know the padded ones with a thick band across the top of your head) they were connected to a Recording device (sensitive)(EVP). I was ahead of the group...asking the spirits questions...out loud...when suddenly... my headphones across the top of my head took a  sudden slap!...and fell
abruptly to the back of my neck. My first thought was I went under a low lying pipe and it knocked them backwards. Kailee saw me reaching up to feel for a pipe that may have knocked my headphones.  No pipe!..or anything else!   Kailee said she thought she bumped into a wall in the darkness in the underground.. When she shined her underground light (a red low light) to see the wall she bumped into,  there was no wall! The guides were not  so... Guideon (one of the guides) (a Santa Claus looking guy). Was a true believer!  You could hardly find him he was in the underbelly of those streets. So where were the animated tour guides we had come to know? Not this time. Still fun though.

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