Thursday, June 25, 2015

A bone yard for trees!

  We made our way out of Seattle boarded a ferry bound for Kingston departing from the town of Edmonds. Once off the ferry, ( 35 min crossing) we took off for Forks.  On our way we stopped and stamped my newley aquired National Park Pasport! Yes it's a passport for all the National Parks. It raises money for them!
When you buy a passport, and when you collect the stickers for each park
You visit. 
So I have to date: the Glacier Bay National Park, Alaska official cancelation stamp as well as the printed sticker. On the journey to Forks WA, we stopped in to get the cancellation stamp for the Olympic National Park in Washington and its printed sticker. While there, the guides recommended a hike to Sol Duc falls. Just beautiful!

We loved this hike, not at all difficult, and all in all, a 1.5 hour hike. So many photos here. All make each photographer a happy camper. 
Our accommodations in Forks were a "blast from the past" type of vibe. The "Hotel, Motel, Holiday Inn" kinda deal. Ha!
Super tidy and clean!!!! But plastic "shower stall in closure" and curtain...perfectly installed! Perfect lenolioum on the bath floor.. The carpet new...and not abnoxious. The bed spread (not comforter) not bad!!! White sheets and decent pillows...super clean tight paint job on the walls. All in all... Taking a Motel vibe to its absolute perfection! 
Below is a pic of the Pacific Inn Motel and the the lovely Ford Edge we have for our trip. 

We have a new term for our journey now, we like to Kyhike! (Ki-hike) If we don't Kayak we Hike or both! Ha! So we got up from our 1st night in Forks and met Anna a "local" who's parents and grandparents had lived and created business in the area for the last 3 generations. A Pharmacy, Cattle, Kyaking tours. She was so sweet and calm and knowledgeable. She got us into our own individual kyaks, made sure we understood how to maneuver right, left, reverse. Warned us that fallen trees floating are something to stay away from and that when you see one Elk.. stop... they travel in groups of 15 or more and will cross all at once in a stop your boat and just wait! Well sorry to say that didn't occur. :( .  
We talked about every thing on our 8 mile trek down the Quillayute (La Push Washington)  river towards the Pacific Ocean. Her very healthy 90 yr old grand parents, her parents, our sweet. This kyak trip was a..."so far best". The river meandered at a quiet speed. The depth of water went from 2.5 inches and bumpy to 4-8 feet and mellow. I got stuck on a rock sideways (something she warned us about) Anna said if that happens...lean into the rock and paddle! Well I stuck with that plan and couldn't wiggle free...
(no real cause for concern, the water was only 3 feet deep) but pride!  She! (I noted imidiatly) never said a word just positioned her boat to watch and let me figure it out. So cute! 
Again evidence of a drought was  here too!  Anna said the impact on salmon could be devastating. 
This is a pic of the place we loaded the kayaks after our trip.

Below is the reason for the caption.

All the way down the coast the beaches are so beautifully littered with pure organic art!

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