Wednesday, March 11, 2015

French restaurant off a dirt road!

Wow our last nite here and we visit a French restaurant called Villa Deevna on the way to Pllaya Negra. Amazingly the fish was perfectly prepared. We should have gone there sooner! See you all soon!


Unbelievable! 6 weeks the longest vacation I've ever taken flew!
All the comfort of home and my guy too! So nothing missing in life's  routines. Missing family and friends though. This time of year in Costa Rica is not as pretty as the more lush green seasons. Locals boast that the second half of November thru December is we will be back then! June and July is also their best time as well.
The food was great! The grocery store just fine. I relaxed more than I ever knew I could. The most typical day was a 6:30 am rise, coffee, dips in the pool, reading, 20 min on the elypitical trainer, horse stuff 2-3 times a week, evening meals, movies, crash and burn, Ha! 
So fun, home is where the heart is,  except we need the rest of you!

Saturday, March 7, 2015

Papagayo!!! Wind

We have been in wind since we got here. The seasonal winds are called "Papagayo" must be hell on a golf game! I was in the water (waves) and the off shore wind was so strong that when a wave splashed over me it then (while behind me, heading for the sandy shores) showers me from behind! Like rain!
That top spray is causing rain on the back side of that wave, and today as I write this, the wind is howling!

These winds are here from January through March, every year. 

Coconut yogurt

I watched a YouTube video of a guy who calls himself "The Raw Chef". He shows how to make a coconut yogurt. So with plenty of coconuts here...they sell them cold with a straw, people love them as a refreshing drink...I went after them for their water and meat.
After about a half hour of being careful with each blow of that big knife I got the insides out and into a blender. Then blended it with a little of its own water until smooth. 

Added the probiotics from these capsules we brought with us...

Blended those in...let it sit outside for several hours..warm and dry outside...

Add some lovely mango!


Wednesday, March 4, 2015


Silk hand knit razor back top. I pulled out work so many times on this project, I almost wanted to give up. Really I do think I will wear this, I like it on!